My vision for this program beings with what feminine expression is. One of the biggest forms of that is lingerie and a veil, Throughout history, the concept of a veil has represented several things; oppression, mystery, and more recently self-expression. The idea of undressing and lingerie has always help a ideal of power, seduction, and femininity. 
The concept of the space being veiled and how that is applied is something I researched for a long time. Inspired by the feminism and identity that women fought for and achieved in the 1920's, I took a new approach to break the traditional view held today.
The floors mirror each other, allowing for the plumbing walls to match up.  In the views below, the Hair Styling side of the program will be shown to help demonstrate the two main uses of the space. 
Section 1 is of the Workshop Stations on the lower level, chainmail partitions allow for space division, but still allowing light and sound to connect the space. Section 2 shows the lobby and the workspace upstairs for students. To really drive home the experience of veiling, a large sculptural chainmail veil defends down from the ceiling to above the desk. 
Located on the second floor, the Hair Styling classroom.
Located on the first floor, this is the hair workshop,
This is the alternate rendering of the hair styling classroom

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